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The haunted tales of New Orleanswith Troy Taylor
00:00 / 45:22
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Meet our guest Troy Taylor. His full-time job is ghosts, true crime, and the unexplained. He is the author of more than 130 books and the owner of American Hauntings - a tour company dedicated to offering a historically haunted experience in towns across Illinois and haunted locations all over the country! You may remember him from last year's episode “American Hauntings” where he shared some of his favorite haunting stories in Alton, Illinois and we joined him on a ghost tour there to show us where those stories began. To say we are big fans is an understatement since we asked to have him on again, but this time he will be covering the haunted tales of New Orleans!


Guest Info:

Instagram: @troytaylorgram


Facebook: @authortt

Twitter: @troytaylor13

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