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Sharing her chaotic but wholesome Thailand experiences on Tiktokwith Charissa Enget
00:00 / 44:22

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Meet our guest Charissa Enget, she grew up in Venezuela, China, and six different states so she was always moving and it made her love to travel and get to know people from other cultures. She is the tik toker “Life of Charissae” where she shares her hilarious travel stories with her 350k followers and counting. From her days wrangling gators in Colorado to entering a survival class after watching the show Alone, her life is nothing short of entertaining but today we are going to focus on her time getting her masters degree in renewable energy engineering at KasetsArt University in Thailand for 2 years.
Guest Info:
Instagram: @lifeofcharissa
Tiktok: @lifeofcharissae
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