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Welcome to our "rewind episode", where we pull back the curtain and invite you behind the scenes of our hilarious mishaps this season. From the unplanned detours to the unforgettable conversations, we're laying it bare for our listeners. As we recap our season, we'll reflect on the lessons learned and the unexpected twists that made each episode unforgettable.
Time Stamp:
1- Learn how to glassblowing or make maple syrup with Vermont favorite artist Robert Degrenier: 5:18
2 - Exploring Sin City with Best Bet Vegas owner Jordan Bernstein: 15:09
3 - CIA Agents Personal Tour of Washington Dc's Espionage Hotspots with Rosanna Minchew: 22:23
4 - Burnout: 28:11
5 - Flamboyant Fun in Fire Island Pines: Exploring LGBTQ+ culture with Pixie Aventura: 30:31
6 - North Carolina: 35:01
7 - Lexus Road Trip: 39:24
8- Witching Hour: Unveiling Salem Secrets with Troy Taylor: 55:06
9- Preserving the Howl: Inside New York's World Conservation Center with Dana Goin: 58:15